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Jazz After Hours on PRX is the focal point of a vibrant, exciting jazz community. The best new jazz releases are featured each week on the show. Host Jeff Hanley covers the jazz scene across America and connects the music and the musicians on the show to the club gigs, festivals, and concerts that keep jazz alive. The variety of music presented is a jazz lover’s dream. Like the last set at a jazz club, the mood of "Jazz After Hours" is mellow but not without surprises. New and well-established jazz artists regularly drop in for a chat, and the music ranges from latest releases to jazz classics. There's also news of tours, festivals and clubs, and the best places to hear live jazz.
The program is consistently named one of the top national jazz programs by "JazzTimes" Readers and Critics Polls, and has been frequently nominated for the Jazz Journalists' Association's Marian McPartland/Willis Conover jazz broadcast award, and won the award in 2013.
Weekend overnight automated jazz service offering four hours of jazz each night/ Saturday and Sunday morning.
Jeff Hanley
Program feed schedule via the Exchange
Saturday - files delivered every Friday by 8:00 PM ET
Sunday - delivered every Saturday by 8:00 PM ET
Jeff Hanley
03:59:00 (Repeat of any hour available. Details below in “Broadcast Rights”)
Number of programs: Ongoing, weekends
Station Licensing Information
View the Station Licensing Information
Broadcast Rights
Available to PRX affiliate stations on a time-period-exclusive basis. Stations may carry each program, as fed or delayed, twice within 8 days of the original feed date. No excerpting is permitted. Simulcast streaming rights are available for this series. Prior to carrying this series, stations must contact their PRX Station Services Manager.
Program Web site:

Production Team
Jeff Hanley
Jeff Hanley is a filmmaker, broadcaster, and digital media creative director in Silicon Valley. His broadcast career comprises stints at KLOS/Los Angeles, KOME/San Jose, KZAM/Seattle, KTYD/Santa Barbara, and KJZZ/Seattle when those call letters debuted in the Northwest jazz scene. Jeff was KJZZ's creator and first Program Director.
His love for jazz goes back to the days of working for Jim Wilke, the retiring host and originator of Jazz After Hours. Jeff engineered Jim’s late night jazz show on KING-FM/Seattle for somewhere around 500 nights, listening to Wilke’s brilliantly eclectic programming and learning from his commentary about the music.
Jeff recalls fond memories from working with Wilke:
“It was an 11P-12M jazz show on a classical music station. Jim would program 3 vinyl sides, usually from 3 very different styles of jazz. One night might be a side of very early Pat Metheny, a side of the LA Four, and a side of classic Zoot Sims. Between Jim’s discussion of the music and the album liner notes, one couldn’t ask for a better jazz education.”
— Jeff Hanley
Jeff took that education into a several year run as host of the very popular Sunday morning jazz show on KZAM/Seattle, and the 24/7 jazz station, KJZZ/Seattle. He went on to San Jose, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara for stints as air personality and Program Director.
In 1997, thinking that he was leaving radio behind, Jeff picked up the camera and began his second career in visual media. In 2000 he moved to Silicon Valley, where he has directed teams of filmmakers, writers, web developers, and other digital media specialists ever since.
In 2002, he launched, an eclectic streaming music channel that harkens back to the days of progressive FM, and features KZAM Sunday Brunch, a mix of jazz and acoustic instrumental music.
Dear Friends,
Jazz After Hours has long been a part of my life. I’ve been a fan and listener for many years. However, I never saw this coming. In the best possible way, the show has become my life in 2014.
It has been thrilling to work with legendary program founder and host Jim Wilke to forge a plan for the program’s future. Throughout the weeks of planning, we always kept your listeners in mind.
Presenting exciting and entertaining music to the Jazz After Hours listeners has always been the goal, and the music mix will continue to be fresh and high quality. I think we also have some fun new ideas for making the show resonate with your listeners both on the air and online.
Our program web site —— provides listeners with an entertaining, fun online resource for jazz exploration. We have plans for much more content as the site grows.
Jazz After Hours is also now on Twitter (@JazzonPRI) and Tumblr ( Our intention is to interact even more actively with the audience and the jazz community.
Let me know what you and your listeners think. If I can help you in any way, such as recording custom promos or pledge pitches for your station, please ask.
I look forward to working with you.
Jeff Hanley,
Host and Producer
For Use with Local Underwriting Prospects
For late-night listeners, "Jazz After Hours" brings out the stars. The program is hosted by jazz mastermind Jeff Hanley who draws from a library of more than 10,000 recordings to bring listeners the very best artists, recordings, and styles that jazz has to offer. The selections include mainstream acoustic jazz, with occasional excursions into earlier classical jazz performances and more contemporary new works. Range, depth and intelligence make "Jazz After Hours," a perfect nightcap.
As a local underwriter, you'll find that "Jazz After Hours" provides you with several excellent opportunities to [advance your organization's mission] [promote your corporate image]. By supporting [station] and "Jazz After Hours," you gain:
affiliation with a top-quality jazz program
prime positioning with jazz lovers, both aficionados and novices
tremendous visibility before a select radio audience of affluent, educated listeners
consistent presentation of your message and mission in an uncluttered environment
partnership with a distinguished arts/entertainment medium -- public radio
Each hour of "Jazz After Hours" gives you [X] opportunities to position your message: [insert sample credit here].
Showcase your [company/organization] with "Jazz After Hours" — tailor-made for jazz lovers!