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”The World” is a US radio news magazine with an emphasis on international news and global journalism.
“The World’s” unique editorial perspective brings energy and passion to each day's broadcast. The goal: to take us beyond borders and boundaries, and fire up our curiosity about a fascinating, messy, contentious, and beautiful planet. It's about exploration and risk, war and peace, fun and folly, and how our daily drama plays out around the globe. “The World,” the radio program, is heard every weekday on nearly 240 public radio stations across North America.
Marco Werman hosts an hour of surprising angles, unexpected insights, and engaging voices to illuminate what's going on in the world, and why it matters to you. The team of producers, reporters, and editors seek voices of people around the globe to bring you the world's most interesting stories, events, trends, and personal tales that connect us around the globe and remind us just how small our planet really is.
Executive Producer
Dan Lothian
Marco Werman
Program feed schedule
Content Depot: Hourly live stream feeds at 1500 through 1700 ET, and live with subsequent file delivery at 1800ET. Separate subscriptions required. The program is revised when moving stories require an update. Newscasts are always live.
Number of programs
Ongoing, weekdays
Program Web site
Station Licensing Information
View the Station Licensing Information
The World is available to PRX affiliate stations. Prior to carrying this series, stations must contact their PRX Station Services Manager.
Broadcast Rights
Available to all public radio stations on a time-period-exclusive basis. The program must be carried live during the available feed times. The program may be repeated once prior to midnight local time on the same day as the feed, only after having been carried live during the feed time. Individual programs and the series must be carried in their entirety. Excerpting permitted with authorization.
Simulcast streaming rights are available for this series.
Prior to carrying this series, stations must contact their PRX Station Services Manager.

Production Team
Marco Werman
Marco Werman is the full-time host of "The World," and he oversees production of the program's daily Global Hit segment.
Werman has been working in journalism since he was a 16-year-old copy boy at the "News and Observer" in Raleigh, N.C. He discovered radio journalism while working as a freelancer for two years just north of Togo in Burkina Faso for the BBC World Service, where he later worked as a producer. In 1990, he launched a new public radio station in New York State's Adirondacks and hosted a daily two-hour news and public affairs show there for four years. This was followed by a stint in Rome, Italy, where he was the correspondent for Monitor Radio.
In 1995 he was invited to assist in creating the format for PRI's "The World." In 1997 he began providing its daily punctuation mark, the Global Hit segment, in which musicians and musical trends around the globe are linked to the news. Marco was appointed as the full-time host on Jan. 1, 2013.
Werman's experience includes documentary photography, print, radio, and television. He co-produced and hosted "Nordic Rock," a 20-minute feature on cutting-edge electronic music in Iceland that appeared on PBS's "Frontline World." A 2007 Emmy Award-winner, he is currently developing a new series for PBS on global music called "Sound Tracks."
Broadcast Sponsors
Last Updated 10/04/2022
Hint Water
NRC Health