The Nitty Gritty of the Big Questions Project Production Process

by Apu Goteh

Welcome back to our behind-the-scenes exploration of the PRX Big Questions Project! We're buzzing with excitement as we gear up for the launch of all 4 podcasts on October 4th and would like to personally invite you to our live showcase “Voices of Tomorrow" in New York on October 5th! Join us as we celebrate our launch with sneak peeks, live performances and fun chats with the brains behind all four of our new podcasts! Join our show from wherever you are with free tickets for both virtual and in-person attendance.

In this blog post, we give you an inside look at our production process. From discussing the decisions we've made to a sneak peek of our production meetings and the nuggets of wisdom we've gathered along the way. We hope this guide will assist independent creators with their own production process in a way that works for them. 

Our Progress So Far

We've been quite busy! All four teams have been working diligently to complete their first seasons. We are launching October 4! We're also crafting trailers that capture the essence of each show to create a buzz for the exciting journey that lies ahead.

Decisions We've Made

Creating a podcast is an intricate process that involves making a multitude of decisions. We've deliberated over the guests to feature, the number and length of episodes, musical scores, episode formats, and even how to introduce new topics to our audience. We’ve wrestled with the methods to tell our main story, episode topics, and if we need special effects. With every decision, we've been mindful of our mission and the story we want to tell.

A Glimpse into Our Production & Editorial Meetings

Picture a lively symposium, filled with discussions, debates, and occasional bouts of hearty laughter. Our weekly production meetings are arenas of dynamic brainstorming where we discuss our progress and learn from each other.

It's a time when we also collectively confront challenges, whether it's refining an episode outline or finalizing sound design. It's where we draw upon our combined experience and creativity to explore novel scenarios and determine the best course of action. It's all part of our commitment to supporting each other in this complex journey of podcast creation.

How We Construct a Show / Episode / Season

Constructing a show is akin to building an intricate puzzle. Each season begins with a central theme or big question, serving as the puzzle's border. The smaller themes then form the interior pieces, each becoming an episode that fits into the larger picture.

We deliberate over the guests who can enrich our narrative, similar to selecting puzzle pieces with the most vibrant colors. The roles our hosts play are similar to the unique shapes that determine how these pieces interlock. Finally, the format, the time, the structure––these are the details that give our puzzle its depth and texture.

Who Decides What and How?

The executive production team offers guidance and poses questions, but the ultimate decision-makers are the hosts and creators of each show. This collaborative approach ensures that the shows remain authentic to their vision and resonate with their target audiences.

Pearls of Wisdom We've Gathered

During our production process, we’ve gathered some valuable insights that we hope can be helpful along your own personal journey:

  • Organizing and transcribing interviews is like mapping your treasure chest of knowledge, making sure no gem is overlooked.

  • Establishing clear host roles ensures your conversational dance is always in step, with each partner contributing to a captivating performance.

  • Consistent sonic branding sets the stage, informing your audience of the show's mood and tone.

  • Crafting a show tagline is like designing a compelling show poster, attracting and informing potential listeners.

  • Engaging in mock interviews and test recordings is similar to a dress rehearsal, perfecting your performance before the curtain raises.

  • A detailed production schedule is your production playbill, ensuring everything runs smoothly and on time.

  • Be transparent about the podcast's goals and value proposition: This helps establish a connection with your audience.

Our journey through the production process of the PRX Big Questions Project is one marked by triumphs, challenges, and a whole lot of learning. As we proceed, we remain committed to fostering opportunities for creators who might otherwise not have this chance. We invite you to stay tuned and join us as we continue exploring the magic of podcasting, one big question at a time and don't forget to visit us at for more updates.