Piece Comment

Review of Teen Retail Psychology: Playing the Popularity Game at Work

If you’re a cynic like me, you’ll know what Sophie is talking about. You’ve noticed the patronizing and overly enthusiastic salespeople at “teenybopper” or “trendy” stores; listen to this piece and you’ll understand the Machiavellian forces behind them. Having an expert is important but sometimes sounds stuffy, not here. Stewart knows what he’s talking about and his quotes are kept short and to the point. High quality field recording in a noisy mall is the mark of a good producer, well done. I liked how the actualities don’t just appear out of thin air but are part of a scene, very effective. This piece could work wonderfully in any radio magazine show talking about peer-pressure and the advertising industry. I would only recommend you clarify for the listener when the reporting ends and your personal opinions begin.